Examples of Non Conservative Forces: Unveiling Their Impact

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Wanna know what are some exclusive examples of non conservative forces in daily life? If yes, then you are at the right place at the very right time. But, before going ahead, let me tell you what are non-conservative forces.

Non-conservative forces are those types of forces that do not conserve mechanical energy. They typically dissipate energy in the form of heat or other non-mechanical forms. These forces possess unique characteristics that challenge our understanding of motion and energy conservation.

In this article, we will delve into 6 notable real-life examples of nonconservative forces by exploring their effects, applications, and significance. So, without wasting any more time, let’s dive right in…!!!

Examples of Non Conservative Forces: Unveiling Their Impact

  • Drag Force
  • Frictional Force
  • Viscous Force
  • Magnetic Force
  • Electrical Resistance
  • Applied Force

Drag Force

The very first one in my list of top 6 non conservative forces examples in real life is Drag force. The drag force, also known as air resistance, is a type of force that simply opposes the motion of an object through the air. It depends on the path taken by the object and also dissipates energy from the system in the form of heat.

Therefore, one can say that mechanical energy is not conserved in the case of Drag. Not to mention, these forces depend on factors such as the speed of the object, the density of the air, and the shape of the object, making it a non-conservative force.

Frictional Force

Friction or frictional force opposes the relative motion between two surfaces in contact. Just because of the fact that it releases energy in the form of heat, friction is categorized as a type of non-conservative force. To put it differently, the amount of work done by friction is path dependent, it does not have a potential energy associated with it, which is a characteristic of conservative forces.

It always opposes the motion or simply attempts to oppose the motion between two surfaces, hence, converting mechanical energy into heat. From enabling us to walk and drive or causing wear and tear in machinery, all of them are day-to-day life examples of frictional force in action.

Viscous Force

The next one in my list of top 6 non conservative forces examples is Viscous Force. This force arises due to the interaction between layers of fluid moving at different velocities, causing resistance to the motion of an object through the fluid. To sum up, Viscosity is a force that measures the internal resistance of a fluid to flow.

Viscous forces are responsible for the resistance encountered when an object moves through a fluid, such as water or oil. The work done by viscous forces depends on the path followed by the object and is not determined solely by the initial and final positions. It is caused by the fluid’s viscosity and results in the conversion of mechanical energy into heat.

Magnetic Force

Magnetic force arises due to the interaction between magnetic fields and magnetic objects. Because of the fact that the magnetic force is perpendicular to the velocity of the charged particle and does not work in the direction of motion, the work done by the magnetic force on a charged particle depends on the path followed by the particle, not just the initial and final positions.

Therefore, as a result, magnetic forces are path-dependent forces, hence a non-conservative force. There are so many technologies like electric motors, magnetic levitation trains, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines, etc that works due to the influence of magnetic forces or their field.

Electrical Resistance

Of course, you would be thinking that electrical resistance if not a force, then why in this list? Well, It is not a force, but related to energy dissipation in the form of heat. Electrical resistance opposes the flow of electric current through conductive materials, converting electrical energy into heat. As electric current flows through a resistor, electrical energy is converted into thermal energy due to the resistance encountered.

Hence, it is not a conservative force. Electrical resistance, encountered in everyday devices like light bulbs and power lines, hinders the flow of electric current, converting electrical energy into heat energy. You can feel the heat when you come closer to an electric bulb.

Applied Force

Last but not least one on my list of top 6 non conservative forces in real life is Applied Force. An applied force is a kind of force that is directly applied to an object by an external agent. The work done by an applied force depends on the specific path taken by the object and is not solely determined by the initial and final positions.

In other words, the work done by the applied force in moving an object between two points depends on the path taken. For example, if you push an object across a rough surface, the work done by the applied force will depend on the length and characteristics of the path taken. Another example of applied force will be pulling an object.

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I am a mechanical engineer by profession. Just because of my love for fundamental physics, I switched my career, and therefore I did my postgraduate degree in physics. Right now I am a loner (as ever) and a Physics blogger too. My sole future goal is to do a Ph.D. in theoretical physics, especially in the field of cosmology. Because in my view, every aspect of physics comes within the range of cosmology. And I love traveling, especially the Sole one.

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