February Full Moon: Snow Moon in Northern Hemisphere
The second full moon of 2021 in the northern hemisphere is called the snow moon. The February full moon that we know as the snow moon will occur on Saturday, …
The second full moon of 2021 in the northern hemisphere is called the snow moon. The February full moon that we know as the snow moon will occur on Saturday, …
The first full moon of 2021 in the southern hemisphere is called the Buck Moon. The January full moon that we know as the buck moon will occur on Thursday, …
The next Beaver Moon in Earth’s Southern hemisphere will occur on Thursday, May 23 at 11:52 PM Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST). On this day, the moon will be in …
The next Flower Moon in the Earth’s southern hemisphere will occur on Thursday, May 23 at 01:52 PM Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). On this day, the moon will be in …
The first full moon after the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere is called the Strawberry Moon. The December full moon that we know as the strawberry moon will occur …
The first full moon after the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere is called the cold moon. The December full moon that we know as the cold moon will occur …
When the sun gets darker, we call it a solar eclipse. On the contrary, when the moon gets darker, we call it a lunar eclipse. There are so many types …
The next and final lunar eclipse of 2020 will occur on Monday, November 30 which is coinciding with the full beaver moon. Okay, beaver moon for the people living in …
Whether the full moon in November 2020 is a beaver moon or a flower moon is not rocket science to solve. I mean, it’s just simple physics. In other words, …
Apart from Novel Coronavirus, there are so many exceptional things that have occurred or will occur in 2020. One of the rarest of rare exceptions of 2020 is the occurrence …