6 Fascinating Absorption of Light Examples: A Comprehensive Guide

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Wanna know what are the top 6 fascinating examples of Light Absorption in Real Life? If yes, then you are at the right place at the very right time…!!! Light absorption is a fundamental phenomenon that occurs when light interacts with matter, resulting in its conversion to other forms of energy.

Light absorption undoubtedly plays a crucial role in shaping our future. From the natural world to modern technology, light absorption remains a captivating phenomenon with extensive applications, from everyday occurrences to cutting-edge technologies. Therefore, without wasting any more time, let’s dive right in…!!!

6 Fascinating Absorption of Light Examples

  • Solar Panels
  • Optical Fibers
  • Photosynthesis
  • Photography
  • Laser Cutting
  • Absorption Spectroscopy

Solar Panels

The very first one in my list of top 6 fascinating light absorption examples in daily life is Solar Panels. Solar panels are devices that harness the power of light by absorbing them and converting it into electricity through the photovoltaic effect.

These panels are composed of semiconductor materials, such as silicon, which can absorb photons of light. When light strikes the solar cell, it excites electrons within the semiconductor, creating an electric current. In layman, Solar panels are constructed using semiconductor materials that release electrons when photons strike them.

These free electrons generate an electric current that is nothing but a clean, sustainable, and renewable energy resource that is becoming increasingly popular for powering homes and businesses, as well as reducing dependency on fossil fuels.

Optical Fibers

Optical filters are devices that selectively absorb certain wavelengths of light while transmitting others. The process of absorption helps optical fibers by allowing them to transmit light signals efficiently over long distances. When light is absorbed by the core material of the fiber, it undergoes total internal reflection. As a result, bouncing off the core-cladding interface, prevents signal loss and enables the light to travel through the fiber without significant attenuation.

This ensures effective and reliable data transmission in telecommunications and other optical communication systems. Not to mention, they are crucial components in various optical instruments and devices, such as cameras, telescopes, and lasers. In addition, optical filters play a key role in enhancing image quality, blocking unwanted light, and separating specific colors.


One of the most vital examples of light absorption in nature is the process of photosynthesis. It’s a process through which plants, algae, and certain bacteria convert light energy into chemical energy. In the case of plants, within plant cells, specialized pigments such as chlorophylls absorb light, particularly in the red and blue regions of the spectrum.

This absorbed light energy is then used to synthesize glucose (a form of stored energy) and oxygen from carbon dioxide and water. This transformation is the basis of life’s energy flow, as plants are the primary producers in most ecosystems. In other words, without light absorption, the green world as we know it would cease to exist.


The process of absorption helps in photography by allowing the camera’s sensor or film to capture light and create an image. When light enters the camera through the lens, it is absorbed by the sensor or film, where the varying levels of absorption create a pattern that forms the photograph, capturing the scene’s colors, contrasts, and details. Both traditional photographic film and modern digital camera sensors rely on light absorption to capture images.

In traditional film photography, light-sensitive silver halide crystals in the film absorb photons and undergo chemical changes, creating latent images that become visible during development. Similarly, in digital photography, the camera’s sensor contains photosites that convert absorbed light into electrical signals, which are then processed to form digital images.

Laser Cutting

Laser cutting is a precise and efficient technology used in various industries, including manufacturing and metalworking. In laser cutting, absorption is the key process that allows the laser beam to interact with the material being cut. It involves focusing a high-powered laser beam onto a material’s surface, causing localized heating and vaporization.

In other words, when the high-intensity laser beam comes into contact with the material’s surface, the material absorbs the laser energy. This absorption raises the temperature of the material rapidly. As the material’s temperature increases, it reaches its melting point or vaporization point, depending on the type of material and the laser’s characteristics.

In the case of materials like metals, which have high thermal conductivity, the laser’s energy is primarily absorbed at the surface. This localized heating causes the material to melt and evaporate, creating a narrow kerf (cut) in the material. For non-metallic materials, such as wood, plastic, or fabric, the laser energy is absorbed more evenly throughout the material’s thickness, leading to a cleaner and more precise cut.

Absorption Spectroscopy

Last but not least one on my list of 6 examples of absorption of light is Spectroscopy. Absorption spectroscopy is an essential analytical technique used in chemistry to identify and quantify substances based on their interaction with light. The method involves passing light through a sample, and the amount of light absorbed at specific wavelengths is measured.

Different molecules absorb light at distinct wavelengths, producing valuable information about its molecular composition and concentration as well as its characteristic absorption spectra. This technique finds applications in environmental analysis, pharmaceuticals, and determining the composition of complex mixtures.

Some other Examples of Absorption of Light:

Apart from the above-mentioned applications or uses, I am also mentioning some of a few here.

  • Ultraviolet (UV) Protection
  • Light Absorption in the Ocean
  • Sunscreen
  • Pigments in Art
  • Colorful Foliage, etc.

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I am a mechanical engineer by profession. Just because of my love for fundamental physics, I switched my career, and therefore I did my postgraduate degree in physics. Right now I am a loner (as ever) and a Physics blogger too. My sole future goal is to do a Ph.D. in theoretical physics, especially in the field of cosmology. Because in my view, every aspect of physics comes within the range of cosmology. And I love traveling, especially the Sole one.

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