Everything about Brownian Motion; Pedesis Explained
Brownian motion is a random motion of particles in a fluid due to their collisions with other atoms or molecules of the gas or liquid. In other words, the Brownian …
Brownian motion is a random motion of particles in a fluid due to their collisions with other atoms or molecules of the gas or liquid. In other words, the Brownian …
What Is Wave-Particle Duality? Is light a wave or particle? Well, whether light is a wave or light is a particle has a very interesting and long history. Wave-particle duality …
First of all, you should know that Hubble’s Law Of Cosmic Expansion is the most celebrated Paper in the history of physical science. Yup, even more than the physics of …
What Is Modern Physics? Modern physics means physics discovered after 1900 i.e Twentieth-century physics (and of course 21st century too). Our understanding of the physical world was restructured in the …
EPR paradox – a thought experiment, that simply asks a question that Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality be Considered Complete? In other words, Albert Einstein – one of the …
Quantum Physics was progressively derived from Max Planck’s solution to the black-body radiation problem in 1900. Later it was extended by Albert Einstein’s 1905 paper which offered a Quantum-Based Theory …
Ever heard the name, “Albert Einstein – Man Behind Black Holes”. Well, who doesn’t know Albert Einstein? I mean even a non-science student does know this name. But the matter …
Wanna know what are the elements named after scientists? FAMOUS ONES…!!! If yes, then look no further. As of today, 118 elements and their symbols have been discovered and placed …