Compare and Contrast Rotation and Revolution

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Without the existence of phenomena like rotation and revolution, we won’t be having either day/night or seasons on Earth. The primary difference between rotation and revolution is that rotation is a motion of an object around its own axis. On the other hand, a revolution is a motion of an object around another object.

In this article, we will talk about some of the exclusive rotation and revolution differences. Not to mention, we will also talk about some of the similarities between them too. But before going into a deep discussion, let me give you a short and crisp review of them in a tabular form. Let’s dive right in…!!!


Rotation vs Revolution

1.Rotation is a motion of an object around its own axis.Revolution is a motion of an object around another object.
2.During rotation, there is no change in the position of an object.During a revolution, there is a change in the position of an object.
3.The movement of the earth on its own axis is an example of rotation.The movement of the earth around the sun is an example of revolution.
4.Earth rotates on its own axis from the west to the east direction.Earth revolves around the sun in a counter-clockwise direction.
5.Day and night occur on earth due to the rotation of the earth on its own axis.Seasons occur on earth due to the revolution of the earth around the sun.
6.Earth takes approximately 24 hours to complete a rotation on its own axis.Earth takes approximately 1 year to complete a revolution around the sun.
7.The average speed of rotation of the earth on its own axis is roughly 1,000 miles per hour.The average speed of the revolution of the earth around the sun is roughly 67,000 miles per hour.
From the above rotation vs revolution differences in tabular form, you got the exact overview of these two. However, in order to get to know them, let us try to understand both of them in a detailed format. Keep reading!



What is Rotation?

By definition, Rotation is a motion of an object around its own axis. The movement of the earth on its own axis is a perfect example of rotation. Not to mention, the earth takes approximately 24 hours to complete a single rotation on its own axis.

In other words, when the Earth completes one rotation on its axis, one day is over on Earth. The rotation of the earth is also responsible for the formation of day and night here. In fact, just because the earth rotates on its axis from the west to the east direction, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

Since the earth rotates on its own axis at the rotational rate of 15 degrees per hour, we have different time zones on different continents as well as in different countries around the world. Not to mention, lines of longitudes also play a vital role to specify different time zones around the globe.


Some Examples of Rotational Motion in Real Life

Apart from the rotation of the earth on its own axis, here is a list of some other examples of rotational motion in real life:

  • Wheels of a Moving Vehicle
  • Ferris Wheel
  • Clock Ticking
  • Fan Blades
  • Spinning Top
  • Gears
  • Helicopter Rotor Blades, etc.


What is a Revolution?

By definition, Revolution is a motion of an object around another object. The motion of the earth around the sun is the perfect example of revolution. The earth takes approximately 1 year to complete a single revolution around the sun.

In other words, when the Earth completes one revolution around the sun, one year is over on Earth. Earth revolves around the sun in a counter-clockwise direction. In addition, the revolution of the earth around the sun is also responsible for the formation of different seasons around the globe.

And, yeah, the earth’s axial tilt of 23.5 degrees also plays a vital role. To put it together, both the revolution of the earth and its axial tilt are responsible for the formation of different seasons (Equinoxes and Solstices) on Earth.


Some Examples of Revolutional Motion in Real Life

Apart from the revolution of the earth around the sun, here is a list of some other examples of revolutionary movements in real life:

  • Revolution of the moon around the sun
  • An electron revolving around the nucleus
  • Jupiter revolving around the sun
  • Mercury revolves around the sun, etc.

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I am a Physics Educator, positively impacting the students by igniting their imagination and curiosity about nature as well as their laws and guiding them to answers. Talking about education, I am a postgraduate in physics and trying to collect as much as I can out of the immense treasure of knowledge.

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